Healthy Opportunities Pilot (HOP) Program

The opportunity for health begins where we live, learn, work and play.

North Carolina’s Healthy Opportunities Pilot program is an unprecedented opportunity to test the integration of evidence-based, non-medical interventions into the state’s Medicaid program. The Pilots will provide non-medical services to qualifying Medicaid members across four domains: housing, food, transportation and interpersonal violence/toxic stress. Critically, frontline care managers working in Pilot regions will play an essential role in identifying members that may benefit from Pilot services, recommending appropriate services and coordinating their care. Other staff working to support Pilot operations may find these trainings helpful to support their day-to-day work.

Keep this page open while you complete the steps below.

Step 1: Create an Account

· Create a MyAHEC account.
· Already have an account? Continue to Step 2.

Step 2: Register for Courses

· Select the registration link for the course listed in the table below. 
· Enter MyAHEC username and password and follow the prompts to complete registration.
· Register for each course individually by selecting the corresponding link.

Step 3: Access Course Materials

· Sign into MyAHEC.
· Select My Courses and Events.

· Select Access Course and Materials. 
· Select Open to launch a course.

Required and Recommended Trainings

Trainings will be continually added to this page as they are published.


Release Date/Last UpdatedTitleSelect the link to register for your course or to view slides & recordings.Course is required for Care Mangers
October 20, 2023
Healthy Opportunities Pilot Training for PIHPs and Tailored Care Managers
Part 1
RegisterThis course is intended for Care Managers who will provide Tailored Care Management to Healthy Opportunities Pilot members.

November 20, 2023

Healthy Opportunities Pilot Training for PIHPs and Tailored Care Managers Part 2 RegisterThis course is intended for Care Managers who will provide Tailored Care Management to Healthy Opportunities Pilot members.
Release Date/Last UpdatedTitleSelect the link to register for your course or to view slides & recordings.Course is required for Care Mangers
November 17, 2022
UPDATED October 2023
How Care Managers Can Choose Appropriate Interpersonal Violence ServicesRegisterYES

March 21, 2023
Healthy Opportunities Pilot: How Care Managers Can Choose Appropriate Interpersonal Violence Services Part 2RegisterYES

March 17, 2023How Care Managers
Can Obtain Pilot
RegisterAs Care Managers transition to using the consent form released in Spring 2023, this course is required.


NC AHEC Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) for Primary Care Clinical Providers and Non-clinical Staff | Module 2 – Cultural HumilityMAHEC


Release Date/Last UpdatedTitleSelect the link to register for your course or to view slides & recordings.Course is required for Care Mangers
August 7, 2024
10 a.m.
Supporting Survivors of Interpersonal Violence: Practice Session for HOP Care Managers Register

June 26, 2024 

Healthy Opportunities Pilot: Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences for Care ManagersRegister

June 14, 2024 Healthy Opportunities Pilot Housing Rights 101: Tenant and Landlord ResponsibilitiesRegister

May 9, 2024 12:00-1:00pm Duplicative Medicaid and Healthy Opportunities Pilot Services – Live Webinar

October 31, 2023 Intimate Partner Violence – Creating A Culture of Care for Survivors RegisterNote: HOP Care Managers can register for FREE, contact for code. 

October 31, 2023 
Intimate Partner Violence – Best Practices in Intimate Partner ResponseRegisterNote: HOP Care Managers can register for FREE, contact for code

January 20, 2023How Care Managers Can Choose Appropriate Health Related Legal SupportsRegister

December 27, 2022How Care Managers Can Choose Appropriate Toxic Stress ServicesRegister

December 8, 2022Understanding the Medical Respite Cross Domain ServiceRegister

September 20, 2022How Care Managers Can Choose Appropriate Housing ServicesRegister

September 2, 2022
How Care Managers Can Choose Appropriate Food Services within the Healthy Opportunities Pilot ProgramsRegister

September 2, 2022
UPDATED September 2023
How Care Managers Can Choose Appropriate Transportation Services, Version 2Register

August 22, 2022
UPDATED September 2023
Tracking Enrollee Progress, Reviewing Service Mix, and Reassessing Pilot EligibilityRegister

March 9, 2022

Assessing Member Eligibility for Participation in the Healthy Opportunities Pilots Recording and Slides

February 25, 2022Deeper Dive on Pilot Responsibilities of Frontline Care Managers Recording and Slides

February 11, 2022The Role of CIN Care Management Teams in the Healthy Opportunities PilotsRecording and Slides

N/AUsing Motivational Interviewing to Support the Healthy Opportunities PilotsSEAHEC

Training for Human Service Organizations (HSOs)

Release Date/Last UpdatedTitleSelect the link to register
for your course today
Required for HSOs
June 30, 2024

Healthy Opportunities Pilot Overview for Human Service OrganizationsRegister
March 17, 2023
Sensitive Services for
HSOs and Pilot Staff;
Privacy & Confidentiality
for Survivors

Other HOP-related Trainings

Release Date/Last UpdatedTitleCourse materials
Recommended For
May 3, 2023

CHW Specialty Training Program: Introduction to Healthy Opportunities Pilots for CHWs

Community Health Workers

May 16, 2022 Evidence Base Roundtable Series #6, Intimate Partner ViolenceSlides

May 12, 2022 Evidence Base Roundtable Series #5, Network Lead Pilot Region OverviewSlides

April 29, 2022  Evidence Base Roundtable Series #4 Housing, Transportation and Legal SupportSlides

April 21, 2022  Evidence Base Roundtable Series #3, Food and Pilots EvaluationSlides

April 12, 2022  Evidence Base Roundtable Series #2, SIRENSlides

April 6, 2022 Evidence Base Roundtable Series #1, KickoffSlides

February 15, 2023

Healthy Opportunities No Wrong Door Approach to EnrollmentRecording and SlidesPrimary Care Providers and Advanced Medical Homes

December 16, 2022

Healthy Opportunities Pilots:
Local Health Department Care Manager Pilot Engagement
SlidesLocal Health Departments

Building the skills and capacity for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) takes time to learn and integrate into patient care.  For this reason, it is recommended that Healthy Opportunities Pilot staff complete additional trainings, such as Implicit BiasStructural RacismCommunication in Healthcareand Microaggressions

Healthy North Carolina 2030

What is Healthy North Carolina 2030 and the NC State Health Improvement Plan?

Every 10 years, the state of North Carolina embarks on a goal setting process to identify the indicators or measures of good health and well-being for the people of our state over the next decade. The culmination of this process for the current decade, led by the North Carolina Institute of Medicine (NCIOM) and Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is known as Healthy North Carolina 2030 (HNC 2030). These indicators were selected based on evidence of impact on health and with input from over 400 experts and community members. In developing HNC 2030, the team recognized the important roles of health behavior, social and economic factors, and the physical environment in contributing to health care. HNC 2030 serves as the foundation for the North Carolina State Health Improvement Plan (NC SHIP). 

What is the role of NC AHEC?

NC AHEC is a key partner for NC SHIP implementation.  Through programming designed to contribute to a healthier NC, much of our statewide work aligns with the indicators identified in HNC 2030.  

Our programming:

  • Supports the improvement of statewide Behavioral Health outcomes through educational training and practice support.  
  • Delivers educational programming to address substance abuse issues through Opioid Screening, Buprenorphine training and Tobacco and Alcohol use treatment/education. 
  • Helps primary care practices close care gaps with adult diabetes screening rates, pediatric immunizations and timely access to prenatal care at no cost.
  • Supports medical residency training programs, aiming to increase residency positions in rural areas as a means of decreasing health inequities. This is done via programmatic and financial assistance.
  • Provides educational courses addressing the community health disparities outlined in NC SHIP, delivering the training needed to keep NC’s providers current within emerging public health issues. 

This brief video, featuring Dr. Adam Zolotor, NC AHEC Associate Director for Medical Education and former President and CEO of the NCIOM, provides a high-level overview of HNC 2030 and its impact on the health of individuals in North Carolina. 

Where can I get more information at one of our Regional AHEC Centers?

Please view this directory to find the contact at your Regional AHEC for each HNC2030 indicator that aligns with our statewide work. We have designated contacts for indicators 5, 10-15, and 17-19.

Community Health Worker Program

Bridging Community and Systems for Better Health and Well-Being

Community Health Worker Integration into Primary Care Advanced Medical Homes

Community Health Worker (CHW) services and programs are crucial in helping Advanced Medical Homes improve chronic disease self-management and health outcomes, enhance the patient experience, reduce emergency room utilization and hospital readmissions, as well as impact health equity and overall healthcare costs.

View the videos below to hear directly from Community Health Workers and healthcare providers working in NC about the important role that CHWs play in improving individual and community health.  

Promo Video: View via Google | View on YouTube

Case Study Video: View via Google | View on YouTube

Duke Story: View via Google | View on YouTube

El Centro Hispano Story: View via Google | View on YouTube

The NC AHEC Community Health Worker (CHW) Program supports the development of a qualified and sustainable CHW workforce well equipped to advance health equity. While NC AHEC serves as an anchor partner in the NC CHW Initiative, the NC DHHS Office of Rural Health serves as the lead agency. For more information about our work, contact Cathryn Chandler at

NC AHEC Practice Support is available in partnership with NC DHHS Division of Health Benefits. Practice Support coaches are able to support primary care practices interested in adding CHWs to their teams or optimizing existing CHW programs. This service is available at no charge to your practice. Contact us via email at to seek assistance.

CHW Workforce Training & Support


This tool is an evidence-informed comprehensive resource that includes a gap analysis, implementation resources, and a project management plan for integrating new or optimizing existing CHW programs in Advanced Medical Home settings. NC AHEC Practice Support coaches are able to assist you with the use of this tool as part of your CHW optimization efforts. For more information, please contact

The tool was developed with support from the NC DHHS Division of Health Benefits, NC AHEC, and the Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation.


This training is offered through the NC Community College System and is required for CHW Certification in North Carolina. Learn more by visiting NCCHWA Training.


NC AHEC, as an anchor partner in the NC CHW Initiative, is committed to ensuring that Community Health Workers have access to ongoing training and professional development resources.  As a vital workforce for advancing health equity, it is important that CHWs are able to deepen their knowledge and sharpen their skills for providing all North Carolinians with the opportunity for health and wellness.  Through funding provided by the NC DHHS Department of Health Benefits (Medicaid), NC AHEC has worked with other key stakeholders, including CHWs and CHW supervisors, to develop standards for CHW Specialty training, identify key training topics, and develop a series of online modules specifically geared towards preparing CHWs to partner with primary care practices as part of the new Medicaid Managed Care network.   

Each module provides continuing education credit recognized by the NC CHW Association for the purposes of maintaining certification.  Some modules stand alone in terms of the topic covered while others can be combined to deepen CHW knowledge and skills on a particular topic.  Each module has been co-developed with CHWs to ensure the focus of learning and style of education reflects CHW culture and real-life scenarios.  This module is divided into sections focusing on an overview of NC Medicaid and Medicaid Managed Care, the role of CHWs in Medicaid Managed Care, and the role of CHWs in client advocacy.   


NC AHEC has developed self-paced online specialty training programs to prepare CHWs and practices for CHW integration into primary care as part of Medicaid Managed Care. This service is also supplemented with Practice Support coaches with expertise in CHW optimization within your practice or Advanced Medical Home. Click on the button below to view and register for both English and Spanish CHW Specialty Training Programs, available at no cost and with educational credits.


This ECHO-based series brings CHWs from across the state together to support shared learning. The series is co-hosted by CHWs with topics selected through input from participants. Click on the button below to view recordings of past Learning Collaboratives.

Resources for Effective CHW Integration


This series of webinars seeks to build awareness and understanding in a wide audience across the state about Community Health Workers (CHW) and CHW program models that can inform and benefit CHW integration strategies and activities in NC. There is a lot of strong and impactful CHW integration work going on in NC and across the country.  As a state, we are in the early phases of spreading and scaling CHW integration. It is important that we learn from those who have been leading this work to ensure that NC’s CHW integration approaches are the most impactful, equitable, and authentic (grounded in CHW culture).  Click on the title below to access a recording of the webinar.

Community Health Workers – A Vital Member of the Healthcare Team – Part 1 (Passcode: 3o2L.4c4)

Community Health Workers –  A Vital Member of the Healthcare Team – Part 2:

An Introduction to Community Health Workers (CHWs) in North Carolina (passcode: 62%x3rJX)

NC AHEC Intranet Repository

The content sections within this depository include:

  • System Resources
  • Internal Communications
  • Brand Assets
  • AHEC Learning Academy (ALA) and Staff Trainings
  • eLearning Resources
  • CPD Resources

Each section includes an introduction that provides context and guidance on how to engage with the content provided.

If you have questions or feedback on any area of this repository, please submit your comment or inquiry using this form. This survey is monitored on a weekly basis and responses will be routed to the appropriate Program Office personnel. 

System Resources

These statewide NC AHEC System Resources can be accessed by NC AHEC staff for insight and clarity on certain system-wide processes, strategies, and resources. They may be especially useful to new employees.

If you have any questions about this area, please contact Lisi Martinez Lotz, Director of Planning and Innovation at

AHEC overview

Group Charters

The objective of these Group Charters is to share clear guidelines, outline roles, and have consistency across the groups led by the Program Office.

Internal Communications

Effective January 2024, NC AHEC staff must opt-in to receive internal communications from the Program Office. Please subscribe to our mailing list using this form.

If you already receive our AHEC Bulletin newsletter and AHEC Learning Academy announcements, you do not need to resubscribe. If you’re not sure, please attempt to subscribe to our mailing list, and your subscription will be confirmed.

Please ensure you receive our communications by whitelisting/adding to your safe senders list in your email client settings: AppleGmailOutlook

AHEC Bulletins

The AHEC Bulletin is a quarterly email digest delivered to NC AHEC staff members as part of an effort to improve communication surrounding statewide work across our system. This archive contains links to bulletins beginning in December 2020 to our most recent issue.

Please send a message to Caroline Orth at with feedback, questions, or to request updates on a particular topic or project in our next bulletin.

State of AHEC recordings

Brand Assets

This growing section organizes statewide NC AHEC brand assets—including logos, PowerPoint presentation templates, AHEC maps, and more—into accessible download links for use when designing material collateral or preparing presentations on behalf of the NC AHEC Program. 

If you have any questions about how to use an asset or need assistance, please contact Caroline Orth, Program Office Communications Manager, at

Logos and templates

AHEC Learning Academy (ALA) and Staff Trainings

This section features recordings and materials from past AHEC Learning Academy and staff training sessions created and delivered for NC AHEC staff.

For questions regarding our AHEC Learning Academy and staff training resources, please contact Nevin Fouts, Statewide eLearning Coordinator, at  

Other Staff Training Opportunities

CPD Resources

These Continuing Professional Development (CPD) resources house information that may be helpful for Regional CPD staff. The CPD Policy subsection contains resources related to the CPD policy workflow for reducing duplication of efforts among statewide programming. The CPD Office Hours subsection contains recordings of office hour sessions that were designed for any CPD staff across the Regional AHECs.  

Please send a message to Caroline Collier at with feedback, questions, or to request additional information.




Medicaid Managed Care Trainings

Medicaid Managed Care

NC AHEC Practice Support has partnered with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and Division of Health Benefits to help healthcare providers thrive under Medicaid Managed Care.  Practice Support provides no-cost assistance with education and issue resolution, quality improvement, clinical workflow redesign, Advanced Medical Home tier support, EHR optimization, telehealth integration, HIE training and integration, operational needs assessments, revenue cycle management, Tailored Care Management education and issue resolution, and Community Health Worker integration, and Collaborative Care Management.  Practice support assistance can be requested via  More information is also available on the NC Medicaid website for providers.

Webinar Series

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Health Benefits and North Carolina AHEC are offering an evening webinar series to help providers, practice managers, and quality managers succeed with Medicaid Managed Care.

Hosted by the NC Division of Health Benefits, the Medicaid Managed Care webinars are quarterly on the 3rd Thursday of the month and are dedicated to bringing you late breaking information and guidance on NC Medicaid’s transition to Managed Care. 

Medicaid Managed Care Webinar Series:
Fireside (Winter)/Back Porch (Spring) Chats on Hot Topics

Hosted by Dr. Janelle White, Chief Medical Officer, NC Division of Health Benefits. Moderated by Hugh Tilson, Director of the NC AHEC Program.

This webinar series is from 5:30-6:30 PM.
August 15, 2024 | Topic TBD
November 21, 2024 | Topic TBD
February 20, 2025 | Topic TBD
May 15, 2025 | Topic TBD

Virtual Office Hours for Providers

Medicaid Transformation Provider Services and North Carolina AHEC are offering a series of Virtual Office Hours for providers. These quarterly sessions offer an interactive format for providers to ask questions on a variety of Medicaid Managed Care topics.
These webinars run from 5:30-6:30 p.m.

September 5, 2024 | Topic TBD
December 5, 2024 | Topic TBD
March 6, 2025 | Topic TBD
June 5, 2025 | Topic TBD

Additional Webinars on Special Topics

This section is for additional webinars that are not part of any series, and include special topics.

Updates to Clinical Coverage Policy 1E-5 Obstetrical Services
August 6, 2024 | 1-2 p.m.

Join us for this webinar to hear updates to the Obstetrical policy including Group Prenatal Care, update on Doula services, the addition of VBAC codes, F codes for maternal tracking and clarification of postpartum period versus postpartum extended health coverage.

Annual Virtual Statewide Quality Forum

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Health Benefits and North Carolina AHEC, in conjunction with the five Medicaid managed care health plans, have hosted three Annual Virtual Statewide Quality Forums.

Save the date!
4th Annual Virtual Statewide Quality Forum
October 2, 2024

Registration information coming soon!

View past forum recordings and slides by clicking the button below.

Webinar Series: Healthy Opportunities

North Carolina’s Healthy Opportunities Pilot program is an unprecedented opportunity to test the integration of evidence-based, non-medical interventions into the state’s Medicaid program. The Pilots will provide non-medical services to qualifying Medicaid members across four domains: housing, food, transportation and interpersonal violence/toxic stress. Critically, frontline care managers working in Pilot regions will play an essential role in identifying members that may benefit from Pilot services, recommending appropriate services and coordinating their care.

Please visit our Healthy Opportunities webpage for more information, including a complete listing of current and past webinar offerings.

Webinar Series: Quality & Population Health

This series, formerly the Advanced Medical Home (AMH) Webinar Series, is designed to support providers, practice managers, quality improvement professionals, care managers, and clinically integrated networks (CINs).