Jill Forcina

Jill Forcina is the Director of Education & Nursing at the NC AHEC Program Office.mJill first joined NC AHEC as the Associate Director of Interprofessional Education (IPE), Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
A native of Charlotte, Jill received her Bachelor of Science and her PhD in Nursing from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. As a Certified Nurse Educator, Jill has developed curricula for baccalaureate, graduate, and CPD programs, and has served as an adjunct and assistant professor in the UNC School of Nursing since 2012. Jill joined the Duke Cancer Network in 2018 as an Associate Director of Grants and Education and most recently as their Director of Clinical Practice and Education, where she provided training and IPP leadership to a multitude of medical practices in North Carolina, many in rural areas.
Jill has worked as an oncology nurse for over 17 years and continues to practice beside nursing, which she believes allows her to identify more closely with the health care teams she collaborates with.
Jill joined the Program Office in October 2019.