Quality Improvement

Achieving Improvement and Sustainability

How can NC AHEC Practice Support help you?

NC AHEC provides Quality Improvement (QI) technical assistance at no cost to independent primary care and specialist practices, federally qualified health centers, rural health clinics, health departments and behavioral health providers in rural and under-resourced communities. 

While our primary focus is on quality care for Medicaid beneficiaries and Advanced Medical Homes, patients and clinical quality measures covered by any payer will benefit from our quality improvement work.  This includes the Medicare QPP/MIPS and Making Care Primary (MCP) programs, and value-based programs required by payors and CINs/ACOs.   Our services are focused on helping practices redesign their clinical and administrative workflows, optimize their teams and systems of care so that practices are able to thrive with value-based care.

If would like to connect with an NC AHEC practice support coach to assess your practice’s current state and improvement opportunities, please send your request to practicesupport@ncahec.net, and a coach will be in touch with you.

What is NC Medicaid’s Quality Strategy?

NC Medicaid’s Quality Strategy delineates an innovative, whole person, well-coordinated system of care that addresses both medical and non-medical drivers of health and promotes health equity. The Strategy:
• Focuses on rigorous outcome measurement compared to relevant targets and benchmarks,
• Promotes equity through reduction or elimination of health disparities, and
• Appropriately rewards health plans and, in turn, providers for advancing quality goals and health outcomes.

Did you know NC Medicaid and the Medicaid Health Plans support value-based purchasing arrangements? NC Medicaid requires the Medicaid health plans to offer Performance Incentive Payment opportunities to AMH Tier 3 practices and encourages the plans to offer incentive payments to practices in AMH Tiers 1 and 2. While performance thresholds and payment rates are set by Health Plans, all performance incentive payments must be based exclusively on the AMH measure set and not on measures outside of the set.

The Quality Strategy also supports Federal Regulation (42 CFR 438.330{d}) which requires Medicaid health plans to conduct performance improvement projects (PIPs) that: 
• Are designed to achieve significant improvement, sustained over time, in health outcomes and enrollee satisfaction.
• Include measurement of performance using objective quality indicators.
• Include implementation of interventions to achieve improvement in access to and quality of care.
• Include evaluation of the effectiveness of the interventions; and
• Include planning and initiation of activities for increasing or sustaining improvement

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The three NC Medicaid PIPs are:
• Childhood Immunization Status (Combination 10) for ages 0-2 years,
• Diabetes Management (A1C testing and results), and
• Timeliness of Prenatal and Postpartum care.

Statewide data from CY 2019 showed NC Medicaid was performing near or below the national Medicaid median on these PIP measures. NC Medicaid uses the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) measures to assess performance against benchmarks. Additionally, NC Medicaid noticed a need to improve data reliability and data capture for these areas.

See Quality Measurement Technical Specifications, North Carolina’s Medicaid Quality Measurement Technical Specifications Manual for Standard Plans and Behavioral Health Intellectual/Developmental Disability Tailored Plans for more details.

For the first two years of managed care implementation, NC Medicaid seeks a relative improvement of 5% over the prior year’s NC Medicaid statewide performance for each measure. Go to Quality and Population Health: AMH Measures, Statewide QI Projects to view baseline data and goals.

In support of NC Medicaid’s Quality Strategy and in collaboration with the health plans, NC AHEC (including its nine regional AHECs) applies its QI resources and strategies to support AMH practices and providers across the state as they work on the PIPs and other quality improvement initiatives. In addition, physicians and physician assistants may be able obtain MOC-IV credit if they work on a quality improvement project with an NC AHEC Practice Support coach.

In addition, NC AHEC helps small practices in North Carolina successfully participate in the Medicare Quality Payment Program (QPP), Merit-Based Incentive Program (MIPS), Value Pathways (MVP) and Making Care Primary Program (MCP).  This support is available at no cost to the practice.  More information can be found at www.qpp.cms.gov or reach out to your practice support coach at practicesupport@ncahec.net.

Community Health Worker Program

Bridging Community and Systems for Better Health and Well-Being

Community Health Worker Integration into Primary Care Advanced Medical Homes

Community Health Worker (CHW) services and programs are crucial in helping Advanced Medical Homes improve chronic disease self-management and health outcomes, enhance the patient experience, reduce emergency room utilization and hospital readmissions, as well as impact health equity and overall healthcare costs.

View the videos below to hear directly from Community Health Workers and healthcare providers working in NC about the important role that CHWs play in improving individual and community health.  

Promo Video: View via Google | View on YouTube

Case Study Video: View via Google | View on YouTube

Duke Story: View via Google | View on YouTube

El Centro Hispano Story: View via Google | View on YouTube

The NC AHEC Community Health Worker (CHW) Program supports the development of a qualified and sustainable CHW workforce well equipped to advance health equity. While NC AHEC serves as an anchor partner in the NC CHW Initiative, the NC DHHS Office of Rural Health serves as the lead agency. For more information about our work, contact Cathryn Chandler at cathryn.chandler@mahec.net.

NC AHEC Practice Support is available in partnership with NC DHHS Division of Health Benefits. Practice Support coaches are able to support primary care practices interested in adding CHWs to their teams or optimizing existing CHW programs. This service is available at no charge to your practice. Contact us via email at practicesupport@ncahec.net to seek assistance.

CHW Workforce Training & Support


This tool is an evidence-informed comprehensive resource that includes a gap analysis, implementation resources, and a project management plan for integrating new or optimizing existing CHW programs in Advanced Medical Home settings. NC AHEC Practice Support coaches are able to assist you with the use of this tool as part of your CHW optimization efforts. For more information, please contact practicesupport@ncahec.net.

The tool was developed with support from the NC DHHS Division of Health Benefits, NC AHEC, and the Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation.


This training is offered through the NC Community College System and is required for CHW Certification in North Carolina. Learn more by visiting NCCHWA Training.


NC AHEC, as an anchor partner in the NC CHW Initiative, is committed to ensuring that Community Health Workers have access to ongoing training and professional development resources.  As a vital workforce for advancing health equity, it is important that CHWs are able to deepen their knowledge and sharpen their skills for providing all North Carolinians with the opportunity for health and wellness.  Through funding provided by the NC DHHS Department of Health Benefits (Medicaid), NC AHEC has worked with other key stakeholders, including CHWs and CHW supervisors, to develop standards for CHW Specialty training, identify key training topics, and develop a series of online modules specifically geared towards preparing CHWs to partner with primary care practices as part of the new Medicaid Managed Care network.   

Each module provides continuing education credit recognized by the NC CHW Association for the purposes of maintaining certification.  Some modules stand alone in terms of the topic covered while others can be combined to deepen CHW knowledge and skills on a particular topic.  Each module has been co-developed with CHWs to ensure the focus of learning and style of education reflects CHW culture and real-life scenarios.  This module is divided into sections focusing on an overview of NC Medicaid and Medicaid Managed Care, the role of CHWs in Medicaid Managed Care, and the role of CHWs in client advocacy.   


NC AHEC has developed self-paced online specialty training programs to prepare CHWs and practices for CHW integration into primary care as part of Medicaid Managed Care. This service is also supplemented with Practice Support coaches with expertise in CHW optimization within your practice or Advanced Medical Home. Click on the button below to view and register for both English and Spanish CHW Specialty Training Programs, available at no cost and with educational credits.


Empowering Connections for Community Health Workers 2024-2025

This zoom-based webinar is geared towards Community Health Workers throughout North Carolina. It is a free webinar that provides continuing education, networking and sharing your successes in your programs. This webinar has been running for three years online on the third Thursday of the month. We ask you to register for this whole series. This webinar series is funded by North Carolina Area Health Education Centers Program Office (NC AHEC) a partner supporting the NC CHW Initiative (NC CHW) at the state level in collaboration with the NC Office of Rural Health (NC ORH) and other stakeholders.


+ To build a collaborative peer learning environment for Community Health Workers

+ To provide resources that can improve access to healthcare services in marginalized population groups

+ To increase engagement of community health workers using statewide platforms and decrease barriers with client referrals for meeting social determinants of health needs

+ To increase health knowledge and self-sufficiency through a range of activities such as outreach, community education, informal counseling, and social support and advocacy

+ To network and get support for CHW programs


Resources for Effective CHW Integration


This series of webinars seeks to build awareness and understanding in a wide audience across the state about Community Health Workers (CHW) and CHW program models that can inform and benefit CHW integration strategies and activities in NC. There is a lot of strong and impactful CHW integration work going on in NC and across the country.  As a state, we are in the early phases of spreading and scaling CHW integration. It is important that we learn from those who have been leading this work to ensure that NC’s CHW integration approaches are the most impactful, equitable, and authentic (grounded in CHW culture).  Click on the title below to access a recording of the webinar.

Community Health Workers – A Vital Member of the Healthcare Team – Part 1 (Passcode: 3o2L.4c4)

Community Health Workers –  A Vital Member of the Healthcare Team – Part 2:

An Introduction to Community Health Workers (CHWs) in North Carolina (passcode: 62%x3rJX)

Tailored Care Management

Disability Image

A Coordinated Approach to Behavioral Health

What is NC AHEC’s role with Tailored Care Management (TCM)?

North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Health Benefits (DHB) has partnered with NC AHEC to provide statewide practice support, education, and technical assistance to Advanced Medical Home Plus (AMH+) and Care Management Agency (CMA) organizations who pass the TCM desk review component of the certification process. The purpose of AHEC’s technical assistance is to enable AMH+/CMA candidate organizations to successfully complete organizational site reviews and achieve certification. AHEC’s program is also designed to equip TCM candidates with the tools and knowledge to effectively provide care management services to North Carolina’s Tailored Plan beneficiaries.

Through Tailored Care Management (TCM), launched December 1, 2022, Behavioral Health (BH) – I/DD Tailored Plan beneficiaries have a single designated care manager supported by a multidisciplinary care team to provide whole-person care management that holistically addresses their needs. This includes physical health, behavioral health, intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), traumatic brain injuries (TBI), pharmacy, long-term services and supports (LTSS), as well as unmet health-related resource needs. Tailored plans have assigned geographic areas. A state map is available at NC DHHS.

The success of Tailored Care Management will depend upon BH/IDD Tailored Plans, AMH+ practices, CMAs, pharmacies, physical health, behavioral health, and I/DD providers working together to provide a coordinated approach to beneficiary care.

For additional information and resources about Tailored Care Management, visit the DHHS Division of Health Benefits Tailored Care Management webpage.


Tailored Care Management, Learning Collaborative Sessions

Tailored Care Management Learning Collaboratives are designed for TCM certified organizations at no cost.  The sessions are designed to provide content experts and peer-to-peer learning opportunities to AMH+ and CMA organizations as they implement TCM. Sessions will continue every first and third Wednesday of the month from 12:30–1:30 PM. Please register for the TCM Learning Collaboratives on the TCM Web Portal’s “Events Calendar” section. Contact your AHEC Coach supporting TCM for additional information.

Tailored Care Management, Continuing Professional Development

NC AHEC provides Tailored Care Management related course offerings to both certified TCM agencies and live events to the community. Educational events are hosted by NC AHEC and regional AHECs, and various types of continuing education credit, depending on the topic. Events are offered at no cost to certified TCM agencies. There is a registration/credit fee for community members desiring to learn more about Tailored Care Management topics. Webinar platforms are provided for all events.


For questions about NC AHEC Tailored Care Management (TCM) Practice Support, contact Liz Griffin at Liz_Griffin@ncahec.net.

For questions about NC AHEC Tailored Care Management (TCM) Continuing Professional Development, contact Scott Melton at Scott.Melton@mahec.net

Advanced Medical Home

Advanced Medical Home Coaching Opportunities

Looking for the AMH Tier Support Tool? Download here
Looking for the AMH IT/Gap Tool? Download here
Looking for the CIN AMH Tier 3 Checklist? Download here

A primary care practice is eligible for 1:1 coaching from the NC AHEC Practice Support team if they are (1) in network with at least one Medicaid PHP and (2) one of the following:

Tier 2 *essential practice

Tier 3 *essential practice wanting to reassess appropriate Tier level and/or strengthen

Tier 3 readiness and performance

Tier 2 or 3, health system affiliated, or owned practice located in medically

under-resourced community

*Essential practices include independently owned primary care; FQHCs; RHCs; and local

health departments with primary care.

Advanced Medical Home Webinar Series

In December 2020, a new Medicaid Managed Care webinar series on the Advanced Medical Home (AMH) program was offered to Medicaid primary care practice staff and clinicians. The series was designed to support practice managers, quality improvement professionals, care coordinators, and others responsible for meeting the NC Medicaid AMH Tier 2 or 3 requirements. View past recordings, slides, and transcripts of all the topics by clicking on the button below:

North Carolina AHEC is now offering two additional webinar series on Medicaid Managed Care topics in partnership with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. Learn more.

Medicaid Managed Care Trainings

Medicaid Managed Care

NC AHEC Practice Support has partnered with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and Division of Health Benefits to help healthcare providers thrive under Medicaid Managed Care.  Practice Support provides no-cost assistance with education and issue resolution, quality improvement, clinical workflow redesign, Advanced Medical Home tier support, EHR optimization, telehealth integration, HIE training and integration, operational needs assessments, revenue cycle management, Tailored Care Management education and issue resolution, and Community Health Worker integration, and Collaborative Care Management.  Practice support assistance can be requested via practicesupport@ncahec.net.  More information is also available on the NC Medicaid website for providers.

Webinar Series

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Health Benefits and North Carolina AHEC are offering an evening webinar series to help providers, practice managers, and quality managers succeed with Medicaid Managed Care.

Hosted by the NC Division of Health Benefits, the Medicaid Managed Care webinars are quarterly on the 3rd Thursday of the month and are dedicated to bringing you late breaking information and guidance on NC Medicaid’s transition to Managed Care. 

Medicaid Managed Care Webinar Series:
Fireside (Winter)/Back Porch (Spring) Chats on Hot Topics

Hosted by Dr. Janelle White, Chief Medical Officer, NC Division of Health Benefits. Moderated by Hugh Tilson, Director of the NC AHEC Program.

May 15, 2025 from noon-1 p.m. | Topic TBD

Virtual Office Hours for Providers

Medicaid Transformation Provider Services and North Carolina AHEC are offering a series of Virtual Office Hours for providers. These quarterly sessions offer an interactive format for providers to ask questions on a variety of Medicaid Managed Care topics.
March 6, 2025 | Provider Enrollment
June 5, 2025 | Topic TBD

Webinar Series: Quality & Population Health

This series, formerly the Advanced Medical Home (AMH) Webinar Series, is designed to support providers, practice managers, quality improvement professionals, care managers, and clinically integrated networks (CINs).

Additional Webinars on Special Topics

This section is for additional webinars that are not part of any series, and include special topics.

Annual Virtual Statewide Quality Forum

The North Carolina DHHS Division of Health Benefits and NC AHEC, in conjunction with the five Medicaid Managed Care standard plans host an Annual Virtual Statewide Quality Forum designed to help providers, practice managers, and quality managers succeed with Medicaid Managed Care quality initiatives.