Register Now for the 2018 North Carolina STD Update
PLEASE NOTE: Greensboro AHEC is now known as Piedmont AHEC. The organization’s name changed on February 1, 2023.
Northwest AHEC will host North Carolina’s 6th Annual STD Update on March 21, 2018, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Physicians, advanced practice providers, pharmacists, nurses, public health workers, and other health care providers from across the state can attend the conference live at Northwest AHEC in Winston-Salem or via webinar from a variety of locations across the state.

The deadline for registration is March 13, 2018.
The conference will provide updated information on recent trends and current management of a variety of sexually transmitted diseases, including syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and vaginal infections. Best practices relating to the care of transgender individuals and unique management and treatment approaches pertinent to adolescent sexual health will also be addressed.
Northwest AHEC, a program of Wake Forest’s School of Medicine and part of the NC AHEC system, takes the lead role in planning the conference, convening several health organizations, including the NC Department of Health and Human Services, the North Carolina STD/HIV Prevention Training Center, the NC AIDS Training and Education Center, the Division of Public Health, Alabama, and the University of Alabama School of Medicine, Section on Infectious Diseases.
For more information about this event, including credits offered for sessions, visit