Charlotte AHEC Offers Quarterly Pop-Up Passport and Public Library Events

PLEASE NOTE: Charlotte AHEC is now known as South Piedmont AHEC. The organization’s name changed on June 5, 2023.
Beginning in 2019, Charlotte AHEC Library began hosting quarterly Pop-Up passport and public library events for Atrium Health employees and their families. During this quarterly event, representatives from the U.S. State Department and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Public Library set up tables in the library to provide customers and their family members with a full range of passport and public library services.
“Our library is located on the first floor of the Atrium Health Medical Education Building, so it’s a big meeting spot on campus for medical students, physicians, nurses, and researchers,” said Alan Williams, Director the Charlotte AHEC library. “We are always looking for ways to use the space for events and getting more health care professionals into the library. A colleague within the Medical Education department mentioned to us that she had seen a Pop-Up Passport event at a local business, and thought it would be great idea for us to pursue.”
Alan and his team reached out to the U.S. State Department to plan for their first event. Shortly after, Sarah Kimmel joined Charlotte AHEC as a Program Coordinator and suggested the library work with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Public Library to offer a quick, convenient way for health care professionals to obtain access to their materials alongside the passport services.
“While the AHEC Digital Library (ADL) is a fantastic resource for health care information, it does not contain everything, particularly leisurely reading,” Alan said. “The Pop-Up event allows users not only to have access to the ADL, but also the public library so that all their research needs are met.”
Attendees at these events can sign up for a public library card and gain access to the online library resources offered statewide through NC LIVE. Charlotte AHEC librarians believe access to both the NC LIVE and ADL resources together provide all of customers with a wide range of resources.
“This collaborative has also allowed us to build a relationship with the public library in hopes that we can work together on different projects in the future,” he added.
In considering how this Pop-Up programming supports the statewide mission of the NC AHEC Program to recruit, train, and retain the health care workforce, Alan finds that the events serve as a gateway to introduce health workers to other programs.
“Offering these quick, convenient services brings health care professionals into the library. While visiting us, they are not only exposed to statewide library services, but also can peruse our catalog of class offerings and other information about NC AHEC that we keep in the library.”
While the Pop-Up events are temporarily on pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students, clinicians, and researchers can still utilize library services.
“Our staff is currently working remotely, but are available to pull any print materials that may be needed for patient care,” Alan shared.
Follow these links to learn more about how to access library services at Charlotte AHEC and through the AHEC Digital Library.