Dr. Kehinde Eniola receives the Eugene Mayers UK Travel Fellowship Experience
In June 2023, Dr. Kehinde Eniola, MD, MPH, CPE, FAAFP, Professor, Department of Family Medicine, UNC-Chapel Hill, and of the Moses Cone Family Medicine Residency Program, received the Eugene Mayer Travel Award from NC AHEC and the Medical Education Leaders UK. Her United Kingdom travel fellowship adventure began in December 2023, as she hoped to learn about the UK’s healthcare system, history, tradition, and culture.
One highlight was attending the “Developing Excellence in Medical Education Conference (DEMEC)” in Manchester, which focused on improving medical education and training in the United Kingdom, resonating with her work at NC AHEC.
She also gained valuable insight into the UK’s healthcare system during a visit to the Royal Victoria Infirmary and Freeman Hospital in Newcastle, and she also shared rounds with the former president of the International Society of Obstetric Medicine and the editor-in-chief of the journal Obstetric Medicine: The Medicine of Pregnancy.
This prestigious award is a part of the Traveling Fellowship exchange program. In memory of Eugene S. Mayer, longtime NC AHEC director, it supports NC AHEC-based faculty selected to spend a month in the United Kingdom, studying aspects of the British medical education and health services delivery system.
(Text derived from an article in the periodical CLINICAL TUTOR, Newsletter of Medical Education Leaders UK, Autumn 2024, Volume 30, Editor: Dr Ed Briggs)